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IT'S A WRAP! End'O Year Journaling Prompts!

Anne Leuck

Happy ‘Almost’ New Year! Still so many things left on my list from 2022, but I will carry over! The one thing I always make time to squeeze in is my Annual Sketchbook Ritual of taking stock and paying homage to my life over the past year…I’m so happy to be able to share it with you in my new IT’S A WRAP! END'O YEAR JOURNALING" MINI-COURSE with over 40 Journaling Prompts and a Video Lesson where I share walkthroughs from 7 different sketchbooks/years. You can do it at any time between December and February, or maybe you start your year in July…!

Such a great way to celebrate your wins, wonders and reflect on your own personal growth in the past year. You can do this in a written journal or sketchbook journal.


  • A Video Walk Through of several of my year-end Journal Wraps Ups with prompts, real life examples + layout suggestions 

  • Reviews from 7 different years/sketchbooks!

  • My Decade End Wrap up created on New Years Day of 2021

  • My Wrap Up Prompt Guide with over 40 Prompts + Categories

  • Membership to our private "Transformational Sketchbook Journaling" Facebook Group!


Giveaways!Anne Leuck

HURRY! Get my “BODY GRATITUDE Sketchbook Journaling Course” + over 300 more FAB Course Goodies for FREE at Lizzy’s Christmas Party: HERE!


HURRY! (Ends DEC 15th at midnight). I'm sharing these fab gifts with you, all FREE resources to help you manifest all the best things in your life for 2023 - Including my normally $47 Journaling Course: BODY GRATITUDE! Get them NOW at Lizzy’s XMAS Party!

The goody bags include 450+ courses for you to choose from, I'm highlighting 8 that that I think will be of interest to my followers:

1.Body Gratitude Art Journalling Course @anneleuck - this is open to ALL LEVELS. A wonderful way to learn to LOVE YOURSELF and the amazing body that supports you every day of your life.

2. Manifesting: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly by @JoannaHennon (her super-honest case study of how she created her own dream life)

3. The Ascension Path: A Personal Journey Up Your Own Spiritual Mountain by @shunamarr

4. Astrology for Self-Acceptance by @allyson.bright

5. Manifest With The Tarot 101 Workshop by @coopergillespie

6. Emotions Live In The Body - A Somatic-Intuitive Practice For Processing Pain by @joymalek

7. Self-Care Through Ritual & Moon Magic by @cait.byrnes

8. Limiting Belief Release Guided Hypnosis by Nicole Hewitt Donaldson @nicolehd

There are lots more to choose from too and they're all FREEEE so make sure you check them out through the link in my bio! so head over HERE & register (the Regular Goody Bag is free!).